What is pedal assist and when to use it.

Pedal assist is when the electric bike’s electrical components come into play and assist the rider while pedaling and is controlled via setting from the bikes controller and onboard input sensors.

All E-bikes have a controller of some sort a.k.a. the BRAIN of the system, which receives data from input sensors and delivers the command to the output motor which then drives your bike wheel.  

There are two common types of pedal assist sensors fitted on most electric bikes today.  They are the Cadence and Torque sensors.  

  • The Cadence sensor has been used on most typical e-bikes of all types.  This sensor is installed on the bottom bracket crank of the bike and detects when the rider has begun pedaling.  The only problem with cadence is that you may have to give the bike some manual pedaling for a head start before the cadence input is picked up by the sensor.  This slight difference may not be bothersome to some riders, but to combat this, most riders initially use the THROTTLE at the handlebar first to get the bike moving, then they proceed to pedal. 
  • The torque sensor is typically found on higher end e-bikes and measures how much force the rider is exerting on the pedals.  The result is a smoother natural input to the motor when pedaling and provides instantanious pedal assist when first taking off from a stand still.  The torque sensor can be installed on the bottom bracket or on the wheel hub motor.  There are some e-bike manufacturers that utilize both sensors on their bikes to create an even more enjoyable riding experience when using pedal assist.

When would you want to use pedal assist?  All the time if you could, right?  Well you could, but obviously the more pedal assist you use, the more battery power you use.  So if your goal is to use less physical strength and enjoy a leisure ride, then use more pedal assist or you could just get away with using the throttle only, but all at the cost of battery mileage.

Consider a good mix between pedal assist and manual pedaling.  Not only will you extend battery mileage, but you’ll also get a fair work-out.  For this, most e-bikes are able to set the level of assistance desired.  

Optimizing Battery Mileage.

Having the versatility of an e-bike is amazing, just remember, no matter what Pedal Assist Level you choose or how much throttle you use, just get out there and have FUN.  

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